Ceenex is a leading provider of cutting-edge Infrastructure and Business Engineering solutions.
This has earned us a reputation for being a “Centre of Envisioning Excellence” (or “Ceenex” in short), which has been our guiding vision since inception more than 20 years ago.
Housed within our Infrastructure Discipline are the extensive skills and experience needed to deliver world-class water and sanitation infrastructure. These are complemented by our robust municipal infrastructure engineering design and support capabilities. We have also earned a solid reputation for the extent of our specialist technical services across the telecommunications value chain. Our proven ability to function as the main consultant or as part of large joint ventures and/or consortiums in complex engineering projects rounds off our Infrastructure Engineering offering.
Our Business Engineering Discipline is enabling companies operating in many different industries to optimise resource utilisation in very competitive markets. Ceenex’s state-of-the-art simulation modelling and optimisation, used together with Theory of Constraints principles, provide an improved understanding of the complexity and inter-dependency of the various entities and functions of companies. This deeper understanding of the end-to-end operations improve short-, medium- and long-term decision making.
What we do
Business Engineering Solutions
Our Business Engineering Discipline applies simulation modelling and optimisation, together with the principles of the Theory of Constraints, to better understand the complexity and inter-dependency of the various entities and functions of companies.
Infrastructure Engineering
Ceenex’s Infrastructure Discipline continues to play a critical role in delivering the infrastructure we need for sustainable development, covering all three of its important dimensions of the economy, environment and society.
Featured Projects
Our projects are testament to the extensive engineering skills and experiences housed within Ceenex.